Deepen Your Yoga Practice with Revolved Triangle Pose

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April 04, 2024 11 min read

Revolved Triangle Pose, known as "Parivrtta Trikonasana" in Sanskrit, is a dynamic and powerful yoga posture that offers many benefits for the body and mind. Integrating Revolved Triangle Pose can significantly enhance your experience and bring about profound transformation as you journey through your yoga practice.

Sanskrit Meaning

Revolved Triangle Pose Sanskrit

The Sanskrit term "Parivrtta Trikonasana" can be broken down as follows: "Parivrtta" means revolved or rotated, "Trikona" translates to triangle, and "Asana" refers to posture or pose. Therefore, a Revolved Triangle Pose is a posture characterized by a rotational movement while forming a triangle shape with the body.

Revolved Triangle Pose Benefits

Revolved Triangle Pose Benefits

The benefits ofRevolved Triangle Pose are numerous and impactful for both the body and mind:

1. Strengthens the Core

Engages the core muscles, including the obliques and abdominals, promoting stability and strength throughout the torso.

2. Improves Spinal Mobility

The pose's twisting action enhances spine flexibility and mobility, reducing stiffness and encouraging improved posture.

3. Stretches the Hamstrings and Hips

Deeply stretches the hamstrings, outer hips, and groin, enhancing lower body flexibility and alleviating tightness.

4. Enhances Digestion

Stimulates the abdominal organs through the twisting motion, aiding digestion, relieving bloating, and promoting detoxification.

5. Calms the Mind

Combines breath awareness with physical alignment, fostering mental calmness, reducing stress, and improving focus and concentration.

6. Balances Energy Flow

Helps to balance the flow of energy throughout the body, particularly along the spine and through the torso, promoting overall well-being and vitality.

7. Increases Awareness

Cultivates body awareness as practitioners learn to align the spine, engage muscles, and deepen the twist, fostering a deeper connection between mind, body, and breath.

8. Builds Confidence

Challenges practitioners to explore their edge and expand their range of motion, building confidence in their physical abilities and inner strength.

9. Encourages Detachment

The twist encourages letting go and releasing tension, fostering a mindset of detachment and surrender both on and off the mat.

10. Promotes Balance

Enhances balance and proprioception as practitioners ground through the standing leg while extending through the spine and reaching through the fingertips, fostering stability and equilibrium.

How to Do

How to do Revolved Triangle Pose


Here's a step-by-step guide on how to practiceRevolved Triangle Pose:

1. Starting Position

Start by positioning yourself at the forefront of your yoga mat, ensuring that your feet are spaced hip-width apart and aligned in parallel.

2. Step Back

Take a big step back with your left foot, keeping both feet firmly grounded and aligned with the short edges of the mat. Your left foot should be at about a 45-degree angle.

3. Square Hips

Square your hips towards the front of the mat. Ensure your right foot is pointing straight ahead, and rotate your left hip forward to align it with your right hip.

4. Arms Extended

Inhale as you extend your arms to the sides, reaching them parallel to the floor with palms facing down. Keep your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears.

5. Hinge Forward

Exhale as you hinge at the hips, leaning your torso forward over your right leg. Keep your spine long and engage your core muscles to support your lower back.

6. Hand Placement

Place your right hand on the outside of your right foot, either on the floor, a block, or your shin, depending on your flexibility.

7. Twist

Inhale to lengthen your spine, then exhale as you twist your torso to the right. Keep your left hand on your left hip for stability.

8. Extend Arm

Continue twisting from the waist, reaching your left arm towards the sky, palm facing forward. Gaze up at your fingertips if it is comfortable for your neck.

9. Alignment

Ensure that your shoulders are stacked over each other and your chest is open towards the side of the room. Keep both legs engaged and straight, with the weight evenly distributed through the feet.

10. Breathing

Stay in the pose for several breaths, maintaining steady and even breathing. With each inhale, lengthen your spine and deepen the twist with each exhale.

11. Release

To come out of the pose, inhale as you slowly unwind the twist, bringing your left hand back to your hip and lifting your torso to a standing position.

12. Repeat

Repeat the pose on the other side, stepping your right foot back and twisting towards the left.

Beginner Tips

Revolved Triangle Pose Beginner Tips

For beginners, practicingthe Revolved Triangle Pose can be challenging and rewarding. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind as you explore this posture:

1. Use Props

Don't hesitate to use yoga props such as blocks or a yoga strap to support your practice. Placing a block under your hand can make it easier to reach the floor, while a strap can assist in maintaining proper alignment and extending your reach.

2. Focus on Alignment

Pay close attention to the alignment of your body in the pose. Keep your feet firmly grounded and your legs engaged throughout the posture. Aim to maintain a straight line from your tailbone to the crown of your head, lengthening the spine with each inhale.

3. Modify as Needed

If you're finding it difficult to maintain balance or reach the floor with your hand, try modifying the pose. You can shorten your stance by stepping closer to the front foot or using a block under your hand for extra support.

4. Take It Slow

ApproachRevolved Triangle Pose with patience and mindfulness. Avoid rushing into the twist or pushing yourself too deeply into the posture. Instead, focus on gradually deepening the stretch with each breath, listening to your body's cues.

5. Breathe Deeply

Remember to breathe deeply and evenly throughout the pose. Use your breath to create space and openness in the body, allowing it to guide you deeper into the twist with each exhale.

6. Practice Regularly

Like any yoga posture,Revolved Triangle Pose requires practice and consistency. Set aside time to practice regularly, incorporating the pose into your yoga routine to gradually build strength, flexibility, and confidence.

Teacher Tips

Revolved Triangle Pose Teacher Tips

As a yoga teacher guiding students throughRevolved Triangle Pose, here are some valuable tips to enhance their practice and ensure safety and alignment:

1. Emphasize Foundation

Encourage students to establish a strong foundation before moving into the full expression of the pose. This includes grounding through the feet, engaging the legs, and maintaining hip stability.

2. Offer Modifications

Recognize that everybody is unique and may require different pose variations. Modifications include using props, adjusting the stance, or offering alternative hand placements to accommodate students of all levels and abilities.

3. Focus on Alignment

Pay close attention to alignment cues throughout the pose. Guide students to keep the hips squared towards the front of the mat, maintain length in the spine, and avoid collapsing the chest or rounding the back.

4. Encourage Breath Awareness

Remind students to synchronize their breath with movement inRevolved Triangle Pose. Encourage a smooth and steady breath pattern, using each inhales to lengthen the spine, and each exhales to deepen the twist.

5. Use Verbal and Hands-On Adjustments

Offer verbal cues to guide students into proper alignment, but also be prepared to offer hands-on adjustments when necessary. Use gentle touch to help students find more stability and depth in the pose, always respecting their boundaries and consent.

6. Provide Variations

Offer variations and modifications to meet your students' diverse needs. This may include variations for beginners, options for those with limited mobility or injuries, and advanced variations for more experienced practitioners.

7. Emphasize Safety

Prioritize safety in every aspect of the practice. Encourage students to listen to their bodies, honor their limitations, and avoid pushing themselves beyond their edge. Remind them that yoga is not about forcing or straining but finding balance and ease in each posture.

8. Create a Supportive Environment

Foster a supportive and inclusive atmosphere in your classes where students feel comfortable exploring their practice and asking questions. Encourage open communication and provide guidance and encouragement as they navigate their yoga journey.


Revolved Triangle Pose Variations

Exploring variations ofthe Revolved Triangle Pose can add depth and dimension to your yoga practice. Here are some variations to consider:

1. Half-Revolved Triangle Pose

Instead of bringing the hand to the floor or a block, keep it on the hip or thigh. This variation reduces the intensity of the twist and may be more accessible for beginners or those with limited flexibility.

2.Bound Revolved Triangle Pose

For advanced practitioners looking to deepen their practice, add a bind by reaching the top arm behind the back and clasping the opposite thigh or binding around the front thigh. This variation challenges balance, flexibility, and strength while intensifying the stretch in the shoulders and chest.

3. Revolved Triangle with Back Heel Lifted

Lift the back heel off the mat, coming onto the ball of the foot. This variation requires greater balance and stability, activating the muscles of the standing leg and challenging core strength.

4. Revolved Triangle with Extended Arm

Instead of reaching the top arm towards the sky, extend it parallel to the floor in line with the bottom arm. This variation increases the stretch along the side of the body and promotes a deeper opening through the chest and shoulders.

5. Revolved Triangle with Knee Bend

For tight hamstrings or hip flexors, bend the front knee slightly to reduce strain on the lower back and allow for a more profound twist. Keep the back leg straight and strong while maintaining stability in the pose.

6. Revolved Triangle with Prop Support

Use yoga props such as blocks or a chair to support your practice. Place a block under the hand that reaches towards the floor to bring the ground closer and make the pose more accessible. Alternatively, use a chair for support by placing the hand on the seat or backrest.

7. Revolved Triangle with Leg Variation

Experiment with different leg variations to challenge balance and stability. Try lifting the back leg off the mat or bringing it into a half lotus position behind you for an added challenge.

8. Revolved Triangle with Arm Variation

Play with different arm positions to deepen the stretch and engagement in the pose. Reach the top arm diagonally across the body or wrap it around the back to bind with the opposite hand for a variation that targets the shoulders and upper back.

Why We Love This Pose

Why We Love This Pose  Revolved Triangle Pose

Revolved Triangle Pose holds a special place in the hearts of yoga practitioners for a multitude of reasons:

1. Dynamic Challenge

It offers a dynamic challenge that engages the body and mind, requiring strength, flexibility, balance, and concentration to maintain the posture with integrity.

2. Full Body Stretch

This pose provides a deep stretch for multiple areas of the body simultaneously, including the hamstrings, hips, spine, shoulders, and chest, leaving practitioners feeling invigorated and energized.

3. Detoxifying Twist

The twisting action of the pose stimulates the abdominal organs, aiding digestion, detoxification, and elimination of toxins, promoting overall wellness and vitality.

4. Mind-Body Connection

Through the synchronization of breath and movement, practitioners cultivate a profound sense of mindfulness and presence, allowing them to connect deeply with their bodies and quiet the fluctuations of the mind.

5. Inner Exploration

As practitioners navigate the complexities of the pose, they are invited to explore their edges, confront their limitations, and cultivate a sense of self-awareness and self-discovery both on and off the mat.

6. Strength and Stability

The Revolved Triangle Pose challenges the muscles of the legs, core, and back, helping to build strength, stability, and resilience in the physical body while also fostering a sense of inner strength and empowerment.

7. Balance and Equilibrium

The pose requires practitioners to find balance and equilibrium in both body and mind, teaching valuable lessons in steadiness, adaptability, and finding the middle path amidst life's challenges.

8. Freedom of Expression

Each individual brings a unique expression to the pose, honoring their body's unique capabilities and limitations. This practice fosters a sense of acceptance, self-love, and nonjudgment both on and off the mat.

9. Connection to Tradition

As a traditional yoga posture with roots in ancient wisdom, Revolved Triangle Pose links to the rich lineage of yoga practice, connecting practitioners to a timeless tradition of self-inquiry, transformation, and liberation.

10. Joy of Exploration

Ultimately, the love for Revolved Triangle Pose stems from the joy of exploration and discovery that it brings. Whether it's finding a new variation, deepening the stretch, or experiencing a breakthrough in alignment, practitioners revel in the journey of self-exploration and growth that this pose offers.

Preparatory and Counter Poses

Revolved Triangle Pose Preparatory and Counter Poses

Preparatory and counter poses are essential in supporting the body before and after practicingthe Revolved Triangle Pose. Here's a guide to some beneficial preparatory and counter poses:

Preparatory Poses

1. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

This pose helps to lengthen and warm up the hamstrings, preparing them for the deep stretch required in Revolved Triangle Pose. It also promotes relaxation and grounding.

2. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

Triangle Pose helps to open the hips, elongate the sides of the body, and fortify the legs, serving as a superb primer for the deeper twist of Revolved Triangle Pose.

3. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Downward Dog is a full-body stretch that lengthens the spine, stretches the hamstrings, shoulders, and calves, and helps to build strength in the arms and legs. It also helps warm the body and increase circulation before moving into Revolved Triangle Pose.

Counter Poses

1. Child's Pose (Balasana)

Child's Pose is a restorative posture that gently stretches the spine, hips, and thighs while promoting relaxation and release. It provides a soothing counterbalance to the intensity of Revolved Triangle Pose.

2. Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

This reclined twist stretches the spine, shoulders, and hips while releasing tension and promoting spinal mobility. It helps to neutralize the spine after the rotational movement of Revolved Triangle Pose.

3. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Savasana, also known as Corpse Pose, is a concluding relaxation posture that enables the body to fully absorb the benefits of the yoga practice. It promotes deep relaxation, reduces stress, and cultivates a sense of peace and tranquility.

How to Do Yoga Safely

Revolved Triangle Pose How to Do Yoga Safely

Practicing yoga safely is crucial to prevent injury and ensure a fulfilling and sustainable practice. Here are some tips to help you practice yoga safely and avoid injury:

1. Listen to Your Body

Remember how your body feels during practice and honor its limitations. Avoid pushing yourself into pain or discomfort, and modify or skip poses that don't feel right.

2. Warm-Up Properly

Start your practice with gentle movements and stretches to warm the body and prepare it for more intense poses. This can include gentle twists, side stretches, and movements to mobilize the spine and joints.

3. Mind Your Alignment

Focus on proper alignment in each pose to avoid strain and injury. Collaborate with an experienced yoga instructor who can provide guidance and adjustments to ensure your practice is safe and efficient.

4. Use Props

Don't hesitate to use yoga props such as blocks, straps, or blankets to support your practice and maintain proper alignment. Props can help you access poses more safely and effectively, especially if you're working with limited flexibility or mobility.

5. Breathe Mindfully

Throughout your practice, practice mindful breathing, focusing on deep, steady breaths to calm the mind, oxygenate the body, and facilitate movement. Avoid holding your breath or straining as you move through poses.

6.Gradually Progress

Progress gradually in your practice, building strength, flexibility, and endurance over time. Avoid rushing into advanced poses before you're ready, and always respect your body's current abilities and limitations.


IncorporatingRevolved Triangle Pose into your yoga practice can deepen your understanding of your body's capabilities while fostering strength, flexibility, and inner peace. By following proper alignment principles, listening to your body, and exploring variations, you can reap the full benefits of this transformative posture. 

As we wrap up our exploration of yoga practice, it's essential to remember the importance of sustainable and eco-friendly choices.Green Apple Activewear offers innovative solutions by releasing green and bamboo yoga collections, providing comfort and style while minimizing environmental impact. 

Whether you're flowing through a dynamic yoga flow sun salutation or finding peace in a calming moon, pose yoga, practicing with intention, and mindfulness is key. Remember to listen carefully to your body, honor your limits, and incorporate foundational poses like chaturanga asana into your practice. Let's continue our journey on the mat, embracing body, mind, and spirit harmony.

Nikita Parihar
Nikita Parihar

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