Increase Your Flexibility with the Pigeon Pose in Yoga

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June 16, 2022 4 min read

The pigeon pose in Yoga, also known as the Eka Pada Rajakapotasana is an intermediary level Yoga pose. It is a great pose to stretch the complete body and comes with multiple benefits such as increasing blood circulation and enhancing the nervous system. It is often followed in three variations or steps, each ranging in difficulty level. 

If you too want to be an expert in performing Yoga, it is quite important for you to be able to perform thePigeon Pose in Yoga with complete perfection, not to mention the benefits it brings along itself. Read on to know everything you should know about the Pigeon Pose, especially if you love Yoga. 

What is a pigeon pose in yoga?

The hip-opening forward bend inYoga is a pigeon pose. It is highly beneficial for the femur bone in the hip socket and is advised for the people who perform most of their jobs while sitting on a chair. It helps in maintaining the health of the lower region of the body. 

You can make use of some other poses to increase your flexibility and core strength to get prepared for thePigeon Pose in Yoga. Some of them include- 

  • Cat-Cow Pose

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  • Thread the Needle Pose

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  • Child’s Pose

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  • Sphinx Pose, etc. 

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    Benefits of Pigeon Pose in yoga

    The multiple benefits attached to the pigeon pose are mentioned below- 

    1. It stretches the thighs, groin, back, and psoas. This promotes flexibility and mobility in the hip joint region. 
    2. It stretches and strengthens the psoas muscles and lengthens the hip flexors, which are the most affected region due to continuous sitting. 
    3. The digestion of the person performing the pigeon pose is also supported as this pose helps in stretching the lower abdomen by causing movement there. Also, the movement of digested food is facilitated through the intestinal tract with this pose. 
    4. It is considered a pose that relieves feelings of sadness, stress, and fear, which are believed to be stored in your hips. Therefore, it is a stress-buster. 
    5. It prepares the body for performing backbends, which require high core strength and flexibility in the lower region of the body. It also prepared a person for Padmasana and other seated postures. 
    6. This pose is also known to stretch your outer hips and rotators. 

    Steps to Do the Pose

    There are two variations of the Pigeon Pose in Yoga- The Classic or the Resting Pigeon Pose, and the King Pigeon Pose. We will now read about the steps involved in performing these poses. 

    1. Classic Pigeon Pose

    Classic Pigeon Pose, pigeon pose in yoga, pigeon pose yoga, yoga pigeon pose, pigeon pose stretch, king pigeon pose, half pigeon pose, beginner pigeon pose, pigeon pose variation, pigeon pose for sciatica, pigeon pose benefits, pigeon pose for beginners

    • Get your body in a Dog pose facing downwards. Straighten your legs and place your hands on the yoga mat with palms facing downwards. Raise your hips and form a V- position. 
    • Slowly raise your right leg and bring the right knee to touch your right wrist. 
    • Straighten your left leg and stretch it towards the back. 
    • Lower your buttocks and balance the weight between your buttocks. 
    • Elongate your spine by placing your hands below your shoulders. This is now the Classic Pigeon Pose. 
    • Hold this position for as long as possible and take slow, deep breaths. Try it with the other side leg and arm. 

      2. King Pigeon Pose

      King Pigeon Pose, pigeon pose in yoga, pigeon pose yoga, yoga pigeon pose, pigeon pose stretch, king pigeon pose, half pigeon pose, beginner pigeon pose, pigeon pose variation, pigeon pose for sciatica, pigeon pose benefits, pigeon pose for beginners

      • After entering the Classic Pigeon Pose, bend your right leg and keep your left leg straight and bring it back towards the back. 
      • Grab your left foot with your left arm slowly, with your elbow placed towards the sky. 
      • Lift your chin towards the sky, but do not put too much pressure on your neck. 
      • Hold this position, take deep breaths and then move on to do the same pose with the other side. 

      Common mistakes

      There are some common mistakes attached to doing the Pigeon Pose in Yoga, that should be avoided, especially by the beginners. Some of them include- 

      • Rotated Leg- Try to keep the leg on the behind in a neutral position, and make sure it is not rotated outwards. To achieve this, lift your thigh to make sure your hips are square. 
      • Hips not square- Try to keep your hips square, and make use of padding if needed. Do not collapse onto the hip of the knee that is bent in the front as this might cause injury. 

      If you are experiencing pain in the knee or the hip region, or have had any injury in the past, you should avoid performing this pose. Also, at the beginning of the pose, make sure that it does not cause you discomfort or pain, and if it does, stop the pose immediately. It is recommended to perform the pigeon pose under the guidance of a trained professional in the beginning. 

      Risks Involved in the Pigeon Pose

      If you perform the pigeon pose in Yoga too aggressively, you might end up causing an injury or pain in your lower back or other parts of the body. Also, if you are subject to musculoskeletal pain, or are pregnant, you should get advice from your doctor before performing the pose. 

      Some experts also believe that performing pigeons pose rigorously or in an incorrect manner can overstretch the gluteal tendons that are attached to the hip bones. This can cause problems related to the outer hip bones, including weakening the tendons. 

      To ensure that such risks do not cause long term problems for you, you can try placing a folded towel under your buttocks and thighs to reduce pressure and injury risk. You should stop doing the Pigeon pose if you feel any discomfort or pain while performing it. 

      Performing the Pigeon pose in yoga has a lot of positive effects on your body, however, you should always be aware of the potential risks that come with it.

      You can practice this pose daily to experience benefits such as increased digestion, relieving stress, and ensuring a healthy mind and body. You can also perform a little stretching exercise to make your body ready for the Pigeon Pose.

      Add performing Pigeon Pose in Yogainto your daily routine and witness the benefits that come with it- but do not forget to take expert help while doing so.

      Nikita Parihar
      Nikita Parihar

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