Yoga for Runners - 11 Yoga Poses Every Runner Needs
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October 22, 2018 6 min read

Ohhhhhh that rush of endorphin after a long run is soooo AMAZING! Pounding the pavement aka running is a great way to stay in shape, however, also puts you at risk for decreased flexibility, sore muscles, tight hips and overuse injuries.

Do you stretch before or after a run?

Get more from your running workouts with Yoga. Yoga is an excellent cross-training activity that promotes strength building, improves flexibility, and aids in recovery after a run. Yoga is great for runners because it counteracts the pounding, tightening and shortening of muscles.

Enjoy this sequence of yoga poses that target areas of the body that are problematic for runners, like the hamstrings, the IT band, hip flexors, psoas, and shoulders after a run to help strengthen and lengthen your muscles to prevent injury.

  1. Standing Forward Bend with Crossed Ankle – Sanskrit: Uttanasana


Cross legs at ankle making sure to align toes.

Square hips forward

Inhale lengthen Spine, Exhale hinge forward at hips

Option to bring hand to ground, Option to soften head down

Option to use a yoga block

* Hold for 5-10 breaths or 30-60 seconds

* Repeat opposite side

Primary Focus

  • Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips
  • Strengthens the thighs and knees


  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress & mild depression
  • Stimulates the liver and kidneys
  • Improves digestion
  • Reduces fatigue & anxiety
  • Relieves headache & insomnia
  • Therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure, infertility, osteoporosis & sinusitis
  1. Standing IT Band Stretch

Bend forward, taking your fingertips to the mat (right side)

Bend same side knee (right side), reach the opposite arm (left) up towards the sky

Gaze can be straight forward or up

* Hold for 5-10 breaths or 30-60 seconds

* Repeat opposite side

  1. Pyramid- Sanskrit - Parsvottanasana

Begin standing with feet together

Step one foot back 2-3 feet allowing back toes to point forward or at a 45-degree angle.

Square hips forward

Inhale lengthen Spine, Exhale hinge forward at hips

Front leg remains straight (soft bend in knee is ok)

Flex front foot toes upward

Option to bring hands to ground, Option to soften head to knee

* Hold for 5-10 breaths or 30-60 seconds

* Repeat opposite side

Primary Focus

  • Stretches the spine, shoulders, hips & hamstrings
  • Strengthens the legs


  • Calms the brain
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs
  • Improves posture and sense of balance
  • Improves digestion
  1. Triangle – Sanskrit: Trikonasana

Begin Standing with toes together pointing forward

Step back 3-5 feet turning back foot 90 degrees (parallel to back of yoga mat)

Extend arms out long to opposite side of yoga mat

Keep gaze forward

Front leg remains straight (no bend in knee)

Inhale lengthen through Spine, bump back hip towards back of yoga mat

Exhale torso (upper body) forward

Bring bottom palm to shin, top palm extends towards the sky

Find lift while engaging the core & glutes

* Hold for 5-10 breaths or 30-60 seconds

* Repeat opposite side

Primary Focus

  • Stretches and strengthens the thighs, knees & ankles
  • Stretches the hips, groins, hamstrings, calves; shoulders, chest & spine


  • Stimulates the abdominal organs
  • Helps relieve stress
  • Improves digestion
  • Relieves backache, especially through second trimester of pregnancy
  • Therapeutic for anxiety, flat feet, infertility, neck pain, osteoporosis & sciatica
  1. Downward Facing Dog – Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana

Begin in Table Top – Palms under shoulder, knees under hip on ground

Tuck Toes, Left Knees & Press Hips to the Sky

Fingers spread wide, finger pads press into yoga mat

Feet are hips distance apart, heels relax towards the ground

Shoulders draw away from ears down the back

Head & Neck hang heavy

Elbow spiral in towards the ground

Inhale, Exhale chest toward thighs

Gaze between feet or legs

Primary Focus

  • Stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches & hands
  • Strengthens the arms & legs


  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress & mild depression
  • Energizes the body
  • Helps prevent osteoporosis
  • Improves digestion
  • Relieves headache, insomnia, back pain & fatigue
  • Therapeutic for high blood pressure, asthma, flat feet, sciatica, sinusitis
  1. Runners Lunge or Lizard Pose – Sanskrit: Utthan Pristhasana

Begin in Low Lunge with back knee on the ground

Toe heel front foot to edge of yoga mat

Walk front foot up slightly so that the ankle is in front of the knee

Inhale lengthen spine

Exhale press hips downward toward the ground

Option to lower chest coming to forearms

Option to tuck back toes & lift knee off the ground

* Hold for 5-10 breaths or 30-60 seconds

* Repeat opposite side

Primary Focus

  • Opens/Stretches hips, hamstrings, groins & hip flexors
  • Strengthens the inner thigh muscles on the front leg
  1. Half Splits – Sanskrit: Ardha Hanumanasana

Begin in Low Lunge with back knee on ground

Extend one leg forward, flex toes upward to the sky

Hips remain over back knee

Inhale lengthen Spine, Exhale hinge at the hips allowing finger tips or palms to rest on ground

Upper body folds forward over thigh

Option to soften head towards knee

* Hold for 5-10 breaths or 30-60 seconds

* Repeat opposite side

Primary Focus

  • Stretches/Lengthen the hamstrings & gluteus maximus in the front leg
  1. Lizard Pose or Low Lunge with Quad Stretch – Sanskrit: Parivrtta Anjaneyasana (variation)

Begin in Low Lunge with back knee on the ground

Toe heel front foot (right side) to edge of yoga mat

Walk front foot up slightly so that the ankle is in front of the knee

Press Hips forward leaning into the lunge

Bring left palm to ground

Press chest forward while dropping right shoulder back, send gaze up to the sky

Bend through back knee (left side)

Reach back with opposite side palm (right side), grab heel or ankle

Option to allow right knee to fall open to the right

* Hold for 5-10 breaths or 30-60 seconds

* Repeat opposite side

Primary Focus

  • Stretches the ankles, quads, hip flexors, glutes, groin, chest, shoulders & neck
  • Opens/Stretches the hips


  • Increases rotational spinal mobility
  • Improves balance
  • Can help to alleviate lower back pain
  1. Seated Figure 4 – Eka Pada Utkatasana (variation)

Begin seated with both knees bent & feet flat on the ground

Bring palms to the ground next to hips

Cross one foot over opposite thigh, keeping the foot flexed

Keep shoulders back & chest forward

Lengthen through the Spine

Option to draw foot on the ground closer to glutes

Option to press chest closer to flexed foot

Option to do this pose on your back

* Hold for 5-10 breaths or 30-60 seconds

* Repeat opposite side

Primary Focus

  • Strengthen quadriceps, ankle & foot muscles
  • Stretch the outer hip and glute muscles


  • Tones the core
  • Relieve lower back tension
  1. Bridge – Sanskrit: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Begin lying on back

Bend through knees bring feet to the ground hips distance apart

Palms face down by your side (at hips)

Make sure you can touch your heels

Inhale Hips up toward the sky lifting through the chest

Shoulders remain on the ground, chin is tuck towards chest

Soften glutes, engage core & thighs

Option to squeezed shoulder blades together interlocking palms

Option to place a yoga block or bolster (pillow) under low back (sacrum) for a restorative

Option to lift one leg up, then the other

* Hold for 5 or 20-30 seconds

* Gentle release bind (or remove prop) & lower on vertebrae at a time, hugging knees into chest for a counter stretch

Primary Focus

  • Stretches the chest, neck & spine


  • Calms the brain and helps alleviate stress & mild depression
  • Stimulates abdominal organs, lungs, and thyroid
  • Rejuvenates tired legs
  • Improves digestion
  • Reduces anxiety, fatigue, backache, headache & insomnia
  • Therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure, osteoporosis & sinusitis
  • reserved
  1. Bonus Pose: SAVASANA!!!

Final resting asana.

Allow your body to surrender to gravity & the earth underneath you. Legs long, arm to your side.

Savasana allows us to just be, to just be present in the moment;

the only place life is happening, with each inhale & each exhale.

View FULL Sequence Flow: Yoga for Runners (link:

No matter if you are new to yoga or an advanced yogi, it is key to remember no “body” is designed the same. Yoga is unique to you. Allow your breath to guide you into each yoga pose (asana) and remember your breath is just as important as the yoga pose and/or stretch. Focus on lengthening and evening out your inhales and exhales through the nose allowing you to transfer to smoother, calmer breathing while you run.

Remember to LIVE each Day with…

Wisdom in Your Mind

Kindness on Your Breath

And Love in Your Heart


Author Bio: Jennifer Butler is a Yoga Instructor, Yoga Therapist and Health Coach who focuses on the principle concept “Art of Living Yoga”; whole and complete in mind, body and spirit. Do Yoga with Jennifer Anytime, Anywhere via Yoga Fits Me’s YouTube Channel (link: Connect with Jennifer on and Follow @YogaFitsMe on Facebook (link:, Twitter (link: twitter/yogafitsme) and Instagram (

Elizabeth Whitley
Elizabeth Whitley

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