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3 Healthy Summertime Salads

3 Healthy Summertime Salads

3 min read

It's almost summertime, and what summertime means to me living in San Gabriel valley is hot!!

You haven't lived life until your air conditioner comes to life, tries to fight you because it's 112 degrees and they are tired of you leaving them on all night. They need a break too! Hehe.

3 Breathing Techniques that will calm you down

3 Breathing Techniques that will calm you down

3 min read

With the way things have been going lately in the world, from everyone scurrying by to get through the day, to living in the absolute now, as busy as we all may be, we still need to take a little time out to just breath. 

3 most AMAZING Vegan Green Shakes

3 most AMAZING Vegan Green Shakes

3 min read

When most people hear the word "Vegan" being used, it may be off putting to those who are meat eaters, or it may excite the food connoisseurs who enjoy living adventurously by trying new recipes outside of their comfort zones.I found these amazing recipes surfing the Internet in search of something new, and am forever thankful that I did.
I am going to introduce you to three of the most AMAZING Vegan Green Shakes, that don'tprovoke that unwanted fear of vegetable sludge that by the looks of it, resembling the infamous Ghostbuster's slime, or having the taste and smell of the green algae that forms on the shorelines of ponds where turtles love to frequent.
I'm sure as those unfamiliar with how good Vegan shakes can really be, myself included, are thinking to themselves, "Whaaat!" as those Vegan Green Shake lovers are like "BRIIINNG ITT!!"

Healthiest Cities: did your city make their list?

1 min read

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