Three steps to avoiding gym mishaps

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June 30, 2015 2 min read

There’s nothing like doing a perfect Downward Dog, headstand, challenging climb, or jump… then realizing your clothing is getting in the way of your practice. While this shouldn’t (at all!) stop you from getting on with your life and celebrating your achievement, it can be an unwelcome distraction when you’re wrapped like a mummy, or when your clothes aren’t covering, the bits they should. Without further ado, we present some common clothing malfunctions and what you can do to avoid them:


Check what the recommended attire for your activity is. 

Now, this seems pretty obvious, but if this is your first time with a sport or practice, ask around or check online what you should be wearing. Bikram can be very uncomfortable in thick clothing; pole-dancing requires shorts that let your thighs grip; surfing might be best with a rashguard to keep the girls in (yes, even if you see photos of bikini-clad girls out on the waves it’s wise to be prepared.) Don’t assume that a similar activity – or movies you’ve seen – is enough!

Do a bend test.

Especially for sports that require a lot of bendings and turning, or high-impact sports, a bend test is essential! Can you touch your toes, twist, jump, and do a basic backbend without anything being displaced? Is your clothing bunching up and getting in the way? Are you comfortable with the amount of coverage, even when doing the most drastic bends? Remember that something that looks just right now may creep up, down, or to the side over time. If you have to keep adjusting it or thinking about adjusting it, that’s time away from enjoying yourself!

Check for irritants in the clothing itself.

That cute metal bar down the chest of your fashion bikini? Yup, that’s going to hurt after a few hours of surfing. Or those seams on your bra or shorts? If they’re not properly done, then expect some chafing after a hard cardio session. Zippers can snag as well, and clothing made of synthetics can be stinky and hotter than you expected. One of the best ways to ensure you have a great session is to choose gear from real sports brands you trust. Save the fashion brands for when you’re planning to lounge! 



Knowledge is half the battle; the proper clothes are the other. We’ve designed our watercolor bamboo tunic to come with a built-in bra for women that like loose, breathable coverage regardless of what sport they’re in. Check them out here, and have a great session!

39 Sunset Collaborator
39 Sunset Collaborator

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