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October 10, 2016 2 min read

Hey Ladies, it is almost ski and snowboard season (please pray for snow) so that means it is time to get fit and work those muscles for the hill. Even if you workout regularly, skiing or snowboarding for four or five days can be taxing on your bod. Here are the four awesome exercises to get you geared up. Do these with your normal routine and you’ll be crushing runs on opening day.

Snow Deadlift 

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4 sets of 12
Grab a 25 or 35 lb dumbbell (adjust weight based on your comfort level—if you are not sure what that is start with a low weight and work your way up). Bend your knees slightly, keeping your back straight, then lean forward with the barbell--hinging at the hips. Push your hips forward and return to a standing position. This will work the hamstrings, stabilize the knee joint and prevent injuries!

Ski Squats w/ Medicine Ball

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4 sets, 30 sec each(5-25 pounds, again adjust to your comfort level)
Grab a medicine ball and hug it to your chest, then lower into a squat position. Stay low and begin short pump squats (pulsing up and down about an inch) without coming back up to the starting position. Your muscles should be contracting thus helping you build your back, glutes, and quads! (Good for you all year round :))

The Squat Jumper

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Suggested: 5 sets of 5
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and squat down so your thighs are parallel to the floor. Jump high in the air and try to land softly on your feet. This will help you work your quads and glutes, great for your turns!

Elbow Plank, Plank and Plank Again

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Plank everyday for at least 60 seconds x4

You'll improve core definition and performance, not to mention its quick and easy for the busy women out there (aren’t we all?!). Getting into the proper form is straightforward, but holding the position takes strength and endurance in your abs, back, and core. The plank is one of the best exercises for core conditioning but it also works glutes and hamstrings, helps with proper posture, and improves balance… and we know how important balance is in the snow.

Well, those are the tips! Now go out there and get fit this month so you can impress your buddies on the mountain this winter.

Green Apple Active
Green Apple Active

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