How We Wear It - Organic Bamboo And Cotton Yoga Clothing | Green Apple Active

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The Color of your Clothing Can Affect Your Meditation

The Color of your Clothing Can Affect Your Meditation

1 min read

Colors have energy and vibrations that can affect how you feel and act. 

Why To Say NO To Synthetics

Why To Say NO To Synthetics

3 min read

Textile production is destroying the environment, so we must to start to be more proactive in teaching the importance of organic and natural fabrics ~ we owe it to ourselves and to our children. Sadly due to the state of our economy the demand for man-made fibers, like polyester, has doubled in the last 15 years*. Thesepoisonous fabrics require more energy to make, release tons of toxic emissions and produce acid gases including hydrogen chloride, which can trigger respiratory disease.

A Reinvented Classic

1 min read

What’s your favorite Green Apple product? While a lot of us here love the bras and our latest capris, tons of us love the classic 33-inch yoga flare pants – and it looks like you do, too! 
These pants are one of our top sellers, not that we’re surprised. Because it’s made from our durable bamboo fabric, you can’t beat it for breathability and softness. But it’s not just snuggle-worthy - we designed them to have the perfect fit for ultra comfort AND ultra support, so they’re snug enough to give you shape and not get in the way, but loose enough to be perfect for lounging on the couch. 

Green Apple Actives Guide to Selecting a Yoga Outfit

2 min read

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