I ran into a friend, who gave me a big hug and said I was a "genius." I'm no Einstein, but tell me more! After months of frustration, she'd finally started losing weight. How? By following a few tips, I'd shared and stand firmly behind them. Here they are:
Be accountable for what you eat.

The most cost-effective and pragmatic way to do this is by keeping a food diary. Those new to journaling are often shocked by the amount of mindless eating during the day. Writing it down makes you conscious of each bite, leading to smaller portions and healthier choices.
Are we often unaware of the effect of the type of food we intake on our bodies? As a result, people often eat what their mouth desires, ignoring the body's requirements. This mistake should be avoided, and one of the best weight loss tips is to keep track of your daily intake.
According to the Vegan imperative, making minor changes to our diet, such as drinking more water, consuming green vegetables, and avoiding oily or fatty food, can help us lose unwanted and harmful fat. Less than four weeks after making this one change, my friend lost over 5 pounds.
Exercise daily.

60 minutes of moderate exercise burns around 300 calories. It is the most significant of the tips for losing weight. Speed walking, jogging, or riding a stationary bike are solid choices. In addition, you can take upon yourselves activities which ensure a comprehensive effect on your body and your minds, such as Yoga, or workouts that are fun, such as Zumba, Pilates, etc. One of the easiest and most fun ways of effective weight loss is skipping a rope, especially for girls.
If you love doing gym or lifting weights, you can add that to your routine. The experts recommend indulging into physical activity at least four times a week. You can also participate in your favourite sports, such as football, basketball, badminton, swimming, etc. The ultimate goal is to keep your body moving.
If you love dancing, the best weight loss advice is to make your passion a way of losing weight. All dance types require great body movements, eventually leading to weight loss and making your body flexible and free of diseases or, you could do an hour of daily household chores to burn 150-200 calories. Yardwork weighs in at a whopping 350-400 calories per hour. In addition to burning calories, the effort and commitment it takes to work out daily encourage better eating habits.
Getting out of your comfort zone is very important. Knowing how hard it is to burn off a can of pop or piece of cake makes it much easier to turn down such temptations. On the other hand, walking five miles to burn off one can of soda? Maybe not worth it.
Finally, stop eating before you're full.

It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to connect to the brain and release the hormone that signals satiety. So we tend to keep eating until our stomach is packed to the neck.
This is a deplorable eating habit, as you end up taking calories and fats more than your body's daily requirement. The extra fat you consume adds up to your body fat and becomes very difficult to burn.
Therefore, it is very important to take your time while eating. You should take small portions and chew your food until it is dissolved in your mouth. Then, have a glass (or two) of water, and let the food settle. You can always go for a bit more later. This is one of the best weight loss tips many people fail to understand.
Based on a diet chart, you should eat according to what is required and not how much your stomach allows you to intake. The 20 minutes that the stomach makes to give signals of completeness to the mind is the time when we over-eat. This overeating leads to stomach problems, heart diseases, obesity and thus an unhealthy lifestyle.
I won't say that incorporating these habits into your lifestyle will give your instant results. Based on your body type and the type of fat accumulated in your body, the intensity and time taken for fat burning vary. However, with time, you will undoubtedly encounter results in the form of weight loss and disease-free life.
My friend is among many who've implemented these techniques with steady progress and long-term success. It's fun to watch people I know to take action and get results. Consistency is the key.
Sharing my knowledge and personal experience is something I believe is a necessary thing to do. And while it doesn't make me a rocket scientist, advancing good ideas is a smart thing to do!
Bio: Tanya Thompson is a certified personal trainer who resides in Portland, Oregon. She specializes in functional strength and cardiovascular fitness.
March 03, 2019
Always good advise.